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On White Privilege
Some selections by Ibram X. Kendi on White Privilege including this definition:
White privileges are the relative advantages racism affords to people identified as white, whether white people recognize them or deny them.
For Whites
White privileges are the relative advantages racism affords to people identified as white, whether white people recognize them or deny them.
To be white is to be afforded one’s individuality.
Afforded the presumption of innocence.
Afforded the assumption of intelligence.
Afforded empathy when crying or raging.
Afforded disproportionate amounts of policy-making power.
Afforded opportunity from a white network.
Afforded wealth-building homes and resource-rich schools.
Afforded the ability to vote quickly and easily.
Those who are impoverished and white do not, on average, have to live in areas as densely poor as the impoverished black people down the way.
To be armed and white is to be nonthreatening.
For Blacks
The inverse of white privilege is black deprivation. Scholars from the sociologist Robert Staples to the historian Keeanga Yamahtta-Taylor have used the term to highlight the relative effects of racist policies and ideas on black people. Racism degrades, dispossesses, deprives.
Black individuals are deprived of their individuality.
Deprived of the presumption of innocence.
Deprived of the assumption of intelligence.
Deprived of empathy when crying or raging.
Deprived of proportionate amounts of policy-making power.
Deprived of the white networks where opportunities are exchanged.
Deprived of wealth-building homes and resource-rich schools.
Deprived of shorter voting lines during major elections.
Those who are impoverished and black do not live, on average, in areas as income-diverse as the impoverished white people down the way.
To be unarmed and black is to be threatening.